Monday, January 16, 2012

Hat & Mitten Organizer

When the weather outside looks like this...

...I get a little excited.  And not because it's snowy and cold outside.  Okay...  I know the topic of organization isn't an exciting one.  I mean, don't get me wrong - it would be VERY exciting to have everything organized.  However, it's one of those things that would be great to have, but one of the last things I have time for.  And, of all the things I chose to organize, hats and mittens really should be one of the last on my list.  But, understand this - we have no mud room in our house and we have no 'landing space' as an entry way.  Really, we have no entry way at all.  When you enter our house, you are either immediately in the living room or directly in the kitchen (or carefully leaning down the basement steps).  So, when the thought of three sets of boots, coats, snow pants, scarves, hats and mittens come flooding in - soaking wet, I might add - the thought gives me shivers (and not just because the door is still open because I am trying to get the stuff off one kid while one kid is still standing in the doorway waiting on the small bit of rug that occupies the floor space in front of the door).  Does it sound like I'm a little touchy about this subject?

Our 'active' cold weather garb used to be housed in the front coat closet, along with numerous coats and all of our shoes (stacked to high heaven).  I thought I was doing well at being organized when I put things into a handled bag that I could easily pull in and out of the closet.  This bag was located on top of the heap of shoes AND we had an back-up bag that was on the top shelf, out of the reach of everyone but an adult (on their tip-toes).  When we couldn't find what we were looking for, guess what ended up dumped out all over the living room floor?  You got it - a sea of hats and mittens.  So, imagine my delight when I saw the most ingenious idea...

A shoe organizer!

There are a variety of shoe organizers to choose from at the nearest home store (or store that has a home section in it).  I was tempted to go for the cheapest because...well...I'm cheap.  But, after quickly envisioning three kids running toward the closet door and ripping their gear out of the pockets, I decided that an organizer built with a little more quality and thicker material would hold up for longer than one season.  Choosing the canvas variety has been well worth it and is highly recommended. 

The secret is wood screws...

Also, our organizer came with handy over-the-door hooks, but because our closet door faces the living room, we wanted to hide any evidence of it.  So, my brilliant husband used simple wood screws to securely hang the organizer on the inside of the door.  Sure, it took a little longer to get in place, but it sure looks better from the outside.

Who would have thought that a simple shoe organizer could bring so much joy into my life?!  Not only does it keep things extremely organized, everything is up off the floor (away from the shoes) and easy to find.  AND, once I figured out it would be smart to put the little things on the bottom (in reach of the little people in the house, you see), the kids can open the door and grab what they need themselves.

And, voila!  Organization was born.  Um, in the front closet at least.  Now, to tackle the rest of the house...

1 comment:

  1. Smart idea Melis - love it!! I've also seen using shoe organizers for storing cleaning supplies.
