Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Strawberry Spinach Salad w/ Grilled Chicken

These days, when I make baked or grilled chicken, I always try to make one or two extra servings so I can use it for a few future meals.  What a time saver!  And, I'm not sure what it is, but there's just something about the taste of leftover chicken.  Maybe it tastes so good - either warmed or cold - because the spices have had extra time to sit and be absorbed by the meat a bit.  Or, maybe it tastes great because you know you won't have to cook anything for the meal you are about to use it with!  Sometimes the easy way out just tastes so good, doesn't it?

On this particular day, I needed not only to use up my extra grilled chicken, but the baby spinach leaves in my refrigerator didn't have much longer before they would wilt their way into the garbage.  AND, for some amazingly good reason, the strawberries at the store have looked great lately and the sales have made them even better.  I don't know about you, but I love a sweet fruit in my salad, and strawberries seem to marry beautifully with the sometimes sharp bite of the spinach leaves.  Lunch today?  A strawberry spinach salad, topped with grilled chicken pieces, almonds and a little balsamic vinegar.

Doesn't this salad look like summer in a bowl?!

2-3 cups baby spinach
1 pre-cooked, portion-sized chicken breast (baked, grilled, parboiled, etc.)
5 large strawberries, cut into fourths (about 1/2 cup)
9 almonds, coarsely chopped
balsamic vinegar to taste (I used 1 tbsp)

ONE: Even baby spinach leaves can be pretty big for one bite, so I usually take several leaves and tear them in half.  Do this for all leaves and place in a large bowl (I like a shallow bowl so all ingredients can be spread out and eaten together).

TWO: Slice cooked chicken breast into slices or pieces, whichever suites your fancy.  The smaller the pieces, the more you can enjoy with each bite.

THREE: Cut each strawberry into fourths, or smaller if desired.  Coarsely chop the almonds and sprinkle over the top of the salad.

FOUR: Add balsamic vinegar.  I added mine 'straight up', but you could certainly use a mixture of olive oil and vinegar or a low-cal balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

Even though it's winter, we can still enjoy the tastes of summer with this salad that is packed with flavor (and nutrition).  I hope you find this a great way to use up your leftover cooked chicken!

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Skinny Barbecue Meatloaf

Oh, I have a funny story to share...  After having my third child, one of our friends delivered a meal to us and, although delighted not to have to cook dinner, I was so disappointed when I looked to see it was meatloaf.  "Oh, no (ick)! How am I going to eat this AND be able to thank her for the great meal afterward?!".  Well, not only did I eat my words, I also ate way more than my share of her delicious meatloaf.  Again, an 'I've grown up' taste change I am thankful for.  Here's something else funny...  The recipe I'm sharing isn't the same as the one sweetly delivered to my door three years ago, but it is just as delicious!  And, what makes it even better - it's a skinny version.  Wahoo!

I've been meaning to make my own meatloaf ever since that 'revelation day' when I discovered I do, indeed, like meatloaf.  I'm not sure what kept me from making it for so long - maybe it was the scary process of putting meat into a pan and expecting it to come out as...a loaf.  Now that I'm a bit more health conscious than I was three years ago, I had to forgo the original recipe (even though it was SO delicious) and find a healthier method.  Enter: ground turkey.  Seriously, I think this is the miracle meat.  It's so much lower in fat and calories than ground beef yet can be used as a substitute in almost any ground beef recipe.  And, most people won't even taste the difference (or may prefer it)!  This is especially important when it comes to my kids.  They LOVE tacos, so when I started using ground turkey instead of traditional beef, I feared they wouldn't eat.  But...they've never noticed the difference and still munch up those tacos like they're going out of style.  I digress...  Turkey meatloaf - like the traditional only better.  And, topped with barbecue sauce instead of ketchup?  Oh, my - moist and delicious!

1 - 1 1/4 lbs ground turkey (a typical Jennie-O package is 1.25 lbs)
1/2 cup plain bread crumbs
1 cup chopped yellow onion
1/2 cup + 1/2 cup barbecue sauce
2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 egg whites
1/4 tsp salt
ground black pepper to taste

ONE: Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Instead of using a loaf pan, simply line a baking sheet with foil and shape by hand.  This allows for the fat to run out and away from the meatloaf, rather than being cooked into it.  Clever!  Oh, and you may want to spray the foil before shaping - mine stuck a bit after cooking.

TWO: In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients except for 1/2 cup of barbecue sauce - this is reserved for the top.  I mixed mine by hand, but you could certainly use a utensil.  Mix well.

THREE: Place meatloaf mixture onto the pan and shape by hand into a 9x3 (this is SO approximate) loaf.

FOUR: Spread the reserved 1/2 cup of barbecue sauce over the top of the meatloaf and bake for 1 hour.  Let stand and cool for about 5 minutes before slicing.

My husband ooooh'd and aaaah'd over this meatloaf and told me I could make it whenever I wanted.  Even my daughter, after hesitantly tasting it, asked for a slice.  And, me?  I could have eaten half the loaf - but didn't.  :)  Try it and let me know what you think in the comments below!

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Nutrition note: The original recipe calculated each serving (about 1/4 or 1/5 of the loaf, depending on if you use 1 pound or 1.25) to be 252 calories, but when I put all the ingredients into Livestrong.com, I came up with about 350 calories.  Either way, a few slices with some veggies makes for a great, filling meal (and one that has far fewer calories than its 'beefy' cousin).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Balsamic Glazed Salmon

I admit it - I have a new obsession.  Well, I have a lot of obsessions, but let's just stay focused.  My newest food love is salmon!  Now, let me back up a bit and share a little bit of history.  First, I have NEVER liked salmon, let alone thought about new ways to cook it while lying in bed (seriously).  There was a time when my mother made a salmon loaf and I was made to eat it.  Perhaps this turned me off to it for a few years, give or take twenty-five.  Perhaps you'll remember how much I love Tilapia (read about it here) because of its mild flavor, something salmon is not really known for.  I don't like any sort of fish that has a stronger flavor than what it's been cooked with.  Until now, that is.  You know the old adage that our tastes change as we get older..?  I must be doing a whole lot of getting older, because my tastes sure are changing!

After hesitantly biting into one of the most delicious forkfulls of salmon while at the Grand Luxe Cafe with my hubby in Chicago, I really didn't want to admit to him how much I liked it (it was his meal, after all, and I knew he would offer to share more - but, I might have eaten it all).  It was topped with a miso glaze, was light in flavor and melt-in-your-mouth amazing.  I've been obsessed (and surprised) ever since.

One of things I've learned in this short process is that fresh fish isn't supposed to taste fishy.  Really.  That's the secret and it's a pretty good one to know.  I'm sure you've seen those gigantic pink fillets of salmon in the seafood case.  Are you as intimidated by them as I am?  I have never known how to handle, store or cook fresh salmon, so I took it easy on myself and bought fresh - but frozen - Atlantic salmon from the local bulk food store.  The bag came with perfect portion-sized fillets and seemed easy enough to prepare.  Score!  Now, could I actually cook it and have it come out edible..?  Indeed, it was a HUGE success.

If you love salmon - or maybe even if you don't - you have to try this easy-to-prepare baked method with its amazing balsamic glaze.  Honestly, I couldn't get enough of it (and that's a lot, coming from an historically known 'fish hater').

2 portion-sized salmon fillets (approx. 4 oz)
salt & pepper to taste
olive oil (or non-stick) spray - I use olive oil in a Misto sprayer
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp maple syrup
1/2 tbsp dijon mustard
1 clove garlic, finely minced or grated

ONE: Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Meanwhile, prepare glaze by combining the vinegar, syrup, mustard and garlic in a small saucepan, whisking to thoroughly mix.  Bring to a boil over medium heat and then reduce heat and simmer for about 12 minutes or until thick.  Remove from heat and cool while fish is cooking.

TWO: Place salmon fillets in a small baking dish sprayed with olive oil or non-stick cooking spray and sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper.  I did additionally spray the top of the salmon with a little olive oil spray, just to brown the top a little while baking.  For a 4 oz fillet, cook 12-15 minutes or until it flakes easily.  The fillets we had were actually more like 6 ounces, and I baked according to package instructions, which was 15-20 minutes.

THREE: Once cooked through and flaky, remove salmon and let stand for 5 minutes.  Slide your perfectly prepared salmon fillet onto a plate with vegetables - I served ours with edamame and sweet potato.  Drizzle the balsamic glaze over salmon (and vegetables, if desired) and enjoy!

In addition to all the great taste of this dish, you get a good dose of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.  Salmon is also known to be a fish that contains lower amounts of mercury than its other swimming friends, so it's totally safe to eat twice a week.  Sweet!

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Recipe adapted from Giada, one of my favorite Italian chefs.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Roasted Balsamic Brussel Sprouts

Wait...what?!?  Brussel sprouts?  Yes, it's true.  Believe me - I didn't EVER think I would be eating brussel sprouts, let alone blogging about them!  But, I have recently fallen in love with these little mini cabbages and can't wait for you to try this delicious recipe.  I have to tell you - I'm pretty sure I had never tried a brussel sprout until this past year when I was in Denver visiting some dear friends.  We went to an amazing restaurant (Root Down), and when brussel sprouts came as a side with my friend's entree, I sheepishly asked if I may try one.  I was so excited that I loved it!  Good thing my friend was sitting across from me, or I may have snuck one or two more off his plate!

Once home, I investigated simple preparation methods, many of them found on Pinterest (don't you love that site?!).  I also received a few organic produce shipments that contained brussel sprouts and I needed to figure out what to do with them.  To be honest, I was a little intimidated by the mysterious vegetables that so many people seemed to loathe.  I didn't want to cover them with cheese sauce (although that does sound yummy on cold, rainy days such as this one), and I didn't want to steam or boil them for fear they would be a soggy mess.  Thanks to several suggestions and recipe ideas, I combined a few of each to come up with the recipe that follows.


1 pound (give or take) fresh brussel sprouts
2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1.5 tbsp balsamic vinegar
3 or 4 cloves of minced or grated garlic (the more the better!)
salt and pepper to taste

ONE: Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Trim off any wilted external leaves.  You will know you are pulling off the wilted ones because they come off easily.  I also found it easy to remove leaves by trimming a little off the bottom root of the sprout.  The roots looked a little brown to me anyway, so trimming it seemed the right thing to do.  After removing wilted leaves, cut each brussel sprout in half.

I just love the color of these beautiful little vegetables!

TWO: Place halved brussel sprouts in a large mixing bowl and add olive oil, vinegar, and garlic.  Toss the spouts with the oil/vinegar mixture until evenly coated.  In a 9x13 baking dish, arrange the sprouts cut side up in a single layer and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

This is how the sprouts look once tossed with the olive olive oil and vinegar/garlic and sprinkled with S&P.  They are ready to pop in the oven!

THREE: Place sprouts in oven and roast for about 20 minutes or until browned on the surface.  Carefully flip the spouts over (cut side down) with tongs and roast for another 10-15 minutes until nicely browned and tender.  I made sure to try one of the bigger ones before taking them all out of the oven.

Roasting them in the oven like this allows them to get tender throughout but browned and slightly crispy on the outside.  They were so delicious looking that even my five year-old tried them (and ate a few too!).  They make a terrifc side dish and are full of nutrients.  Try this super mini cabbages tonight and tell me what you think in the comments below!

While I used a combination of several recipes, the one on Noob Cook inspired me most.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hummus Chicken Salad

In my search for a healthy alternative to mayo-laden chicken salad, I was tipped off to the idea of using hummus as the base.  Are you kidding me?!  What a great idea (and one I wish I would have come up with all on my own)!  This recipe couldn't be more simple - in preparation and in goodness!  Hummus adds the perfect amount of moisture and a super yummy, garlicky kick, while the apples and grapes pair up for a sweet twist.  Oh, and don't forget the English muffin!  By choosing the whole wheat variety, you can keep it healthy and those little rounds provide the perfect portion size of carbs for your meal.  I'm in love with this lunch idea! 

Oh, and did I mention...  I cheat a bit in this recipe (what, me?!).  While this would certainly be delicious with cubed, grilled chicken, I just didn't have the time for it on this particular day.  Nonetheless, the canned chicken breast lends itself to a perfectly tasty, quick protein source for an incredible open-faced sandwich.  Now, let's get to it (because I'm getting hungry)!


1 English muffin - I prefer mine toasted because, remember, I'm a crunch lover
1/2 cup canned, chunk chicken breast - drained and separated/shredded
2 tbsp hummus - the garlic would be great, but classic is just as lovely
1/4 cup red grapes, halved
1/4 apple, cut into chunks
3-4 almonds, coarsely chopped

While I did forget the almonds in the picture of ingredients, they are an essential part of this recipe.  You could definitely use another healthy nut like walnuts, but I always have a lot of raw almonds on hand.  More super crunch (and a heart-healthy fat) sprinkled on top - yes!

Drain chicken, put into a bowl and shred with a fork.  Place each half of the English muffin into the toaster and toast to desired crispiness.  While all that's going on, put 2 tablespoons of hummus into the bowl and mix together with the shredded chicken.  Once mixed, add the grapes and apple chunks (a little at a time - no messes!) and mix that in with the chicken/hummus mixture.  When it's all mixed up, divide it evenly and place each delicious heap onto its own half of muffin.  Top with a few chopped almonds and EAT!  Take note: you will probably need a fork along side this sandwich - you won't want to leave any of that goodness on your plate!

If you are watching your carbs a little more carefully, you could serve this up on a fresh bed of baby spinach or crunchy romaine - that would taste terrific too!  And, for those of you who can't live without a little cheese, try sprinkling a little over the top and broiling it - but only for a minute (NOTE: blogger does not assume any responsibility for burnt food coming from the broiler - I don't ever have much luck with that thing!).

When eating this, I want to know if you had the same thought I did - "I can't believe I didn't think about using hummus for chicken salad before - it's delicious!"...?!  Drop me a comment and let me know!

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Many thanks to Brian at Seung-ni Fit Club for this brilliant idea!